High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter

Handcrafted, small batch high protein chocolate peanut butter is extra creamy, super fresh, and contains 10 grams more protein per spread.

Tax included.
₹ 599.00
Mixing dates, peanuts, cocoa, and whey creates a high protein mix with a fresh texture. Dates are a delicious, naturally sweet, low glycemic index fruit, rich in fiber, anti-oxidants, and iron. They help reduce sugar intake and are free from added sugar and preservatives, promoting natural health. Enjoy 10 grams of protein with an ultra-smooth texture.

Sulphur free dates, roasted peanuts, whey concentrate, unsweetened cocoa, pink himalayn salt

You can pair it up with bread and have a healthy yet tasty breakfast

store in cool and dry place.

Certified Natural Goodness For You